Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin - McCain '08

I am so excited about this VP choice. Sarah Palin, in my opinion, is more qualified than Obama or Biden to run this country. Unlike them, she has actually ran a government. She has been the Govenor of Alaska for longer then Obama has been campaigning, which means that while he has been receiving a paycheck from the taxpayers to be a Senator, he has actually been out running for office instead, while Palin, on the other hand, has had to deal with running the largest state in the union, and a state that has numerous strange caveats to running it. She is an amazing woman, mothering 5 children including a special needs child, which to me means, she can handle more stress than most humans can imagine. She is a conservative, pro drilling, NRA member, maverick Govenor, who has first hand knowledge of lots of stuff noboday knows about. Things like what ANWR actually is (mostly frozen tundra). I think with McCains foreign policy and military experience, plus Palins Governing experience, coupled with her real life experience, makes this a formidable ticket. I am super excited about it.

I will be posting again soon in regards to the outcomes of the two conventions, my take on both, which ticket I think got the biggest bump, as well as a bit about Gustav, as it unfortunatley looks like New Orleans is going to be devastated again. Although, perhaps we will realize this time, that building a city in a 25 foot deep bowl is a bad idea. Lets take all of the money that is raised for them and just cut them all a check and tell them to move. That's just my idea though. Until next time, God Bless the USA.