Friday, July 4, 2008

Annuit Coeptis - A 4th of July Message for all

This has always been something about the dollar bill that I think has eluded many. The saying on the back of the note, directly above the unfinished pyramid and the all seeing eye says "Annuit Coeptis", this translated from Latin to English means; "He Favors Our Undertaking" or some interpret it as; " He Prospers Our Endeavours" . The symbolism of the UNFINISHED pyramid is powerful to me, it meant that the framers and fathers of our nation knew that they wouldn't get it perfect the first try, that this amazing undertaking of founding The United Stated of America was something that they knew would need to grow and change to fit its day. Of course, both translations of this phrase reference a He, which of course is God (represented by the all seeing eye in the image). This means that they also knew that Gods blessing on this country would be necessary in its growing and changing. Never lose sight of how absolutely amazing this country is, and how privileged we are to live here. May God bless us and the United States of America. Happy 4th of July!!